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Initus-V 222 System

There is a recent development in the UVC field called Far-UVC which is a limited spectrum of UVCas efficient as conventional germicidal UVC light in killing microorganisms. Far-UVC is in the 207-222nm wavelength range and has no potential to cause skin and eye problems as in conventional UVC light sources in animal studies.  Regulatory exposure limits are not yet allowing the use of this newly promising disinfection technology in an unrestricted manner in the presence of humans in the environment.  

Initus-V 222 system combines ergonomic wearable Far-UVC resistant textiles and a filtered 222nm Far-UVC light source to allow Far-UVC technology to be used without any restriction in the presence of humans worldwide. Initus-V 222 system eliminates the long-term damage hesitation due to the lack of long-term clinical human studies and enables continuous air and surface disinfection without any safety or regulatory concerns.

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Technology Providers

The Initus-V System was developed in partnership with InnowayRG, an academic spin-off company in the field of biotechnology, and Vestel Beyaz Eşya, one of Turkey's largest white goods manufacturers.

“Well done is better than well said.”

Benjamin Franklin

Ordering and support

+36 20 243 6157

       +36 70 280 3576


General inquiries and contact

Innoway R&D Kft.
1117 Budapest, Infopark setany. 1.; hrsz. belterület 4082/21/E Hungary


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